Monday, February 23, 2009

Honda CEO sent packing. While GM/Chrysler/Ford CEOs...


Smoke and mirrors corporate America, the dubious double standards and how the CEO's are the shareholders appointees and why I am a blathering idiot.

Check this paragraph from the article above,

It appears that the Japanese are ready to hold management accountable for poor results, even those not entirely under their control. Their boards may want to send the message that CEO job security is based on results, regardless of the origin of those results.

This may never happen, i repeat, never happen in the US auto industry or corporate America...which can be explained away as "this is how things are, will continue to be".

On first read, the actions by the Honda board seem excessive and also ill-thought. But, again, CEO's only job is to ensure "results" and be answerable to the board and the shareholders.

Good job Honda board. Good job Honda!

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