Monday, August 27, 2012

Autism, Immune disorders and life in a sterile environment

I am back after a long hiatus...a very interesting article to get things started.
There’s a good evolutionary answer to that query, it turns out. Scientists have repeatedly observed that people living in environments that resemble our evolutionary past, full of microbes and parasites, don’t suffer from inflammatory diseases as frequently as we do. 

Generally speaking, autism also follows this pattern. It seems to be less prevalent in the developing world. Usually, epidemiologists fault lack of diagnosis for the apparent absence. A dearth of expertise in the disorder, the argument goes, gives a false impression of scarcity. Yet at least one Western doctor who specializes in autism has explicitly noted that, in a Cambodian population rife with parasites and acute infections, autism was nearly nonexistent.

It appears, people in third world countries do not need to worry about evidenced by the  western doctor. methinks too much of glade, anti-bacterializing life and in short, falling prey to capitalistic pressures of companies like P&G, J&J via their vile advertising campaigns.

You do not know what you want. You are gently persuaded by them to realize what you want...sigh!

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