Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Are you a POOP?

Now, don’t get me wrong, POOP is “Prisoner Of Our Property” as Dan writes in the comments.




Some interesting comments,

1.       The suburbs will be abandoned in favor of cities and farmers will buy back the land and plow down developments. http://www.endofsuburbia.com/

2.       George comments “McMansions will go the way of previous excessive residences and turn into bed and breakfasts, businesses, nursing homes, multiplexes and communes.”

3.       Loving Atlanta write, “With my most recent home purchase, we bypassed the suburbs and went into the city which meant a MUCH smaller yard and somewhat smaller house. The time savings from lawn care alone is tremendous. We also save with more convenient shops, public transit cut auto costs, and easier time getting together with neighbors. None of this was possible in our former golf course community.”

4.       Matt in Plano, “Also, just because you can “afford it” doesn’t mean you “have to have it”. Living “richly” is not an entitlement, and certainly not all it is cracked up to be, but we cannot seem to learn this lesson well enough to pass it along to our children, who then set out on the same misguided journey. “Less is more” - and our focus should be on each other”


Read more in the comments section



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