Sunday, December 21, 2008

Airlines Auto industry - trade unions and of moles/warts and cancers

labor unions are so socialist...its like a mole on the face of capitalism...regardless of who runs or what policies are introduced...its a wart not going away will take the ship down.

lobbyists for the rich and trade/labor unions for the poor, we are stuck between.
WE is the significant tax-paying, law abiding citizenry...

On a show couple of days ago, there was this talk abt compartmentalizing the fares...checkin luggage/snacks/pillow/blankets...this is all bandaid...

Recent history has shown any public corporation bending to labor union whims has never been successful..

as in the case of airline or the auto industry, this has been the same case. End result, higher costs are being pushed to the end consumers like US. WHY WHY WHY?

Where is capitalism? Where is competition? Why dont I have better bidders for my hard earned $?

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